Platform for the food and beverage industry
Portable oxygen measurement in food product tankers: InTap on the road.

Portable oxygen measurement in food product tankers: InTap on the road.

Oxygen measurement is essential for beer and soft drink quality. Follow-up and monitoring of the oxygen concentration at different measurement points in the production process is therefore necessary. But the oxygen concentration must also be monitored during transport.

Elscolab MT InTap 2

During a visit to one of our customers specializing in bulk food transportation, we discovered that the company has two cleaning lines for their tanks and tanks of other transporters. After being asked to ensure the transport of beer, soft drinks and vegetable oil, our client specialized in this niche market. To guarantee the quality of the products during transport and avoid change in taste, color or odor due to oxidation, the tanks must be cleaned, dried and filled with CO2 before they can be reloaded.

Elscolab MT InTap 3

That's when our Mettler Toledo InTap comes into the picture!

Tanks are filled with CO2 and the amount of residual oxygen must be monitored to achieve the set specifications. Breweries impose very low concentrations of residual oxygen. The InTap, with its sensitive but extremely stable optical oxygen sensor that also requires little maintenance, immediately proved to be the right solution in the right place.

The ISM (Intelligent Sensor Management) functionality ensures that the measurement results are correct with every measurement. InTap permanently logs 4 measurement values with date and time on a USB stick and makes this available in a CSV file. Our customer really appreciates this user-friendly function because it makes administration much easier.

Read the full blog post and discover the possibilities for your application.

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